Arboretum Borotin - 24 km

The arboretum is located in the village "Borotín", which is located in Boskovice in the "Malá Hané region". The construction of the "Borotín Arboretum" began in the early 1980s. On the site of an outdated nationalized orchard, a mother plant is gradually emerging in a park setting. The JZD gardeners built and planted a plant sampler, examples of gardens, an alpine garden with ponds, a pavilion with a roof garden, a Japanese garden, a Chinese garden, etc. All of this served as an illustrative example of ornamental material and different planting methods. After the revolution it was abandoned and almost disappeared.
Today, in the "Borotín Arboretum", you can see examples of family gardens, bonsai, various interesting trees, an extensive alpinum, an herb exposition, Japanese, Chinese and other foreign gardens, etc. You can combine a walk around the grounds of the arboretum with a purchase in the store, where you will be given expert advice on choosing plants.