Svojanov Castle - 28,5km

In the middle of deep forests above the romantic valley of the Křetínka River stands the picturesque Svojanov Castle, one of the oldest royal castles in our country. It is the only castle in our country whose architecture combines Gothic and Empire, that is, the Middle Ages and the 19th century. Svojanov Castle was founded around 1224 by the royal burgrave Svéslav from Bořitov. In 1250, he is mentioned as the castellan of the castle of Kuna from Zbraslav. So Svojanov belongs to the oldest stone castles in our countries. Nowadays, Svojanov Castle is the venue for numerous cultural events, concerts, theater performances and fencing festivals. In the Empire Palace, an exhibition of life in the castle in the second half of the 19th century is installed, visitors can see a Gothic colonnaded hall, an exhibition about the history of the castle, a kitchen, a pantry and a private apartment of the last owners - a dining room, a dressing room, a ladies' salon and a bedroom with a children's corner and a men's salon and a bedroom with a study. Beautiful ceiling paintings have been preserved in the Empire rooms, and a complete collection of clocks is part of the exhibition. The rooms are furnished in such a way as to give the greatest possible idea of how people really lived in the castle in the past. The second tour circuit presents mysterious Gothic dungeons with an exhibition presenting the legends of the castle and a medieval torture chamber. In the castle lapidary, stone fragments are displayed, which in the past formed part of the decoration of the chapel of St. Catherine. The highlight of the tour is the unique restored Gothic-Renaissance armorer's house, in the ground floor of which there is an exhibition of classicist carved doors from Poličsko and in the upper hall an exhibition of the life of the castle garrison at the end of the 15th century.